Writing is a neglected discipline in business. In this episode, Isaiah and Nathanael discuss how effective writing can revive meetings and stand out amidst the noisiest inbox.


Rethinking Meetings 1:30
Think Before You Send 4:16
— Break —
Taming the Email Beast 11:10
Adjusting to Your Audience 19:00


The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures by Dan Roam
“Drawing on twenty years of experience and the latest discoveries in vision science, Roam teaches readers how to clarify any problem or sell any idea using a simple set of tools. He reveals that everyone is born with a talent for visual thinking, even those who swear they can’t draw. And he shows how thinking with pictures can help you discover and develop new ideas, solve problems in unexpected ways, and dramatically improve your ability to share your insights.”

“Let’s focus on all those big meetings that we have in our career. The ones where you close multi-million dollar deals, hire your next C-Suite Executive or report your company’s quarterly quarterly performance to your board. Oftentimes you may end up achieving nothing to write home about or worse – creating unnecessary work or problems for yourself! And in order to solve this, you would probably get caught in a vicious cycle of meetings. Here’s what I do to stop […]”